Using Rust for Game Development: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices

Using Rust for Game Development: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices

Rust is an open-source systems programming language that was developed by Mozilla Foundation.

It was designed to be fast, safe, and concurrent, making it a popular choice for game development. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using Rust for game development and discuss best practices for utilizing it in your projects.

Pros of Using Rust for Game Development

Rust is designed to be fast, with low-level control over memory management and optimized for concurrency. This makes it an excellent choice for game development, where performance is critical. Games require real-time processing, and even a small delay in rendering or animation can make the game unplayable. Rust’s speed ensures that the game runs smoothly without any stuttering or lag.

Memory Safety

Rust provides memory safety by automatically managing memory allocation and deallocation. This eliminates common memory-related bugs, such as buffer overflows and segmentation faults, which are prevalent in C and C++. With Rust, developers can focus on writing code without worrying about low-level memory management.


Rust’s support for concurrency makes it an ideal choice for game development, where multiple tasks need to be executed simultaneously. Rust provides built-in support for threads and tasks, making it easy to write concurrent code. Additionally, Rust’s ownership model ensures that concurrent access to shared resources is safe and efficient.

Cross-Platform Development

Rust can be compiled into machine code, making it cross-platform compatible. This means that the same codebase can be used to build games for multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and even mobile devices.

Cons of Using Rust for Game Development

Rust has a steep learning curve, requiring developers to have a good understanding of low-level systems programming concepts. It takes time to learn Rust’s ownership model and its unique syntax, making it challenging for beginners to get started with game development in this language.

Cons of Using Rust for Game Development

Limited Libraries and Ecosystem

Rust has a small but growing ecosystem, with fewer libraries and tools available compared to other popular game development languages like Unity and Unreal Engine. This can make it more difficult for developers to find the resources they need to build their games quickly and efficiently.

Limited Community Support

Rust has a smaller community of developers compared to other programming languages, which can make it challenging to get help when needed. However, Mozilla Foundation provides excellent documentation and support for Rust, making it easier for developers to find resources and solve problems.

Best Practices for Using Rust in Game Development

Rust’s steep learning curve can be daunting for beginners. It is recommended to start with small projects to get familiar with the language and its syntax before moving on to more complex game development tasks.

Rust’s standard library provides a range of useful functions and modules that can simplify game development tasks, such as file I/O, networking, and graphics. Developers should make full use of this library to leverage Rust’s built-in capabilities.

Modular code is essential for large-scale game development projects. Rust’s ownership model makes it easy to write modular code that can be easily maintained and extended. Developers should aim to write clean, well-organized code that follows best practices for maintainability.

Utilize External Libraries and Tools

While Rust has a small ecosystem, there are many external libraries and tools available that can help developers build games more efficiently. These include game engines like Godot and GGEZ, as well as graphics and audio libraries like GLFW and OpenAL.

Best Practices for Using Rust in Game Development

Case Study: Rust in Game Development

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 is a first-person shooter developed by DICE. The game was built using Rust for its network code, which required low-latency and high-performance. Rust’s support for concurrency and memory safety made it an ideal choice for this task. Additionally, Rust’s ownership model ensured that the network code was thread-safe, preventing crashes and other issues commonly seen in C++ network code.


Minecraft is a popular sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. The game was originally built using Java but later switched to Rust for its backend server code. Rust’s speed and memory safety made it an ideal choice for this task, ensuring that the server could handle large numbers of players without crashing or lagging.


Rust is a powerful systems programming language that provides many benefits for game development, including fast performance, memory safety, concurrency, cross-platform compatibility, and more. While Rust has a steep learning curve and limited libraries and community support compared to other game development languages, its unique features make it an excellent choice for games that require low-latency and high-performance. By following best practices for using Rust in game development and leveraging external libraries and tools, developers can build efficient and scalable games using this powerful language.